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The Solver Add-in is a ptt.edu.vn Office Excel add-in program that is available when you install ptt.edu.vn Office or Excel.

Bạn đang xem: Automation

To use the Solver Add-in, however, you first need to lớn load it in Excel.

Note: For Excel 2007, click the ptt.edu.vn Office Button

, và then click Excel Options.

Click Add-Ins, và then in the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins.

Click Go.

In the Add-Ins available box, select the Solver Add-in check box, & then click OK.


 If the Solver Add-in is not listed in the Add-Ins available box, click Browse to locate the add-in.

If you get prompted that the Solver Add-in is not currently installed on your computer, click Yes to lớn install it.

After you load the Solver Add-in, the Solver command is available in the Analysis group on the Data tab.

On the Tools menu, select Excel Add-Ins.

In the Add-Ins available box, select the Solver Add-In kiểm tra box, & then click OK.

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If Solver Add-in is not listed in the Add-Ins available box, click Browse to lớn locate the add-in.

If you get a prompt that the Solver add-in is not currently installed on your computer, click Yes in the dialog box to lớn install it.

After you load the Solver add-in, the Solver button is available on the Data tab.

The Solver add-in from Frontline Systems isn"t currently available for Excel on sản phẩm điện thoại devices.

Solver is a không tính phí add-in for Excel 2013 with SP1 and later. For more information, search for Solver in the Office Store.

The Solver add-in from Frontline Systems isn"t currently available for Excel on điện thoại devices.

Solver is a free add-in for Excel 2013 with SP1 and later. For more information, tìm kiếm for Solver in the Office Store.

The Solver add-in from Frontline Systems isn"t currently available for Excel on smartphone devices.

Solver is a miễn phí add-in for Excel 2013 with SP1 and later. For more information, search for Solver in the Office Store.

Need more help?

You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community or get ptt.edu.vn in the Answers community.

See Also

Define và solve a problem by using Solver

Overview of formulas in Excel

How to lớn avoid broken formulas

Detect errors in formulas

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Excel functions (alphabetical)

Excel functions (by category)


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