I just updated FireFox to lớn the latest version và IDM integration with FireFox has stopped working. IDM no longer accepts downloads from FireFox. What can I do to fix this?FireFox said it was disabling IDM expansion because it was not compatible. How can I solve the problemI cannot integrate IDM with FireFox 73 FireFox 72 FireFox 71 (FireFox 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, …, 11, 10, 9, 8). What do I have to lớn do

The Mozilla team updates the FireFox browser every six weeks, so our team updates IDM’s integration with FireFox every six weeks. The latest version of IDM detects the version of the FireFox browser & automatically installs the required additional version.

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Please use the IDM main menu item “Help → kiểm tra for Updates …” (or “Help → Quick Updates” for older versions). Then restart your computer. IDM must replace all DLLs for the changes to take effect. Will not work without restarting the update!

Starting with FireFox 8, Mozilla displays a confirmation dialog for installing applications. After initially installing IDM or updating IDM to lớn the latest plug-in, IDM will prompt you lớn restart FireFox so that FireFox can find the new IDM plug-in. When FireFox restarts, it displays the following dialog lớn confirm the installation of the IDM plugin. You must activate the “Allow this installation” box:

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You may not have noticed this dialog và did not enable the IDM integration plugin when restarting FireFox. In this case, you must activate it manually. Please use the “Tools → Plugins” FireFox main menu item.


The Plugins Manager window should open. Click on the “Extensions” tab (arrow 1 in the picture) and find

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“IDM integration” (Internet tải về Manager integration plugin for Mozilla). If it is turned off, you need khổng lồ hit the “Enable” button (arrow 2 in the picture) and restart FireFox.


New & old versions of IDM extensions

3.1. Note that due khổng lồ global changes in FireFox 40, we had to develop a new addon for FireFox with a new identity. The old version of the plugin was called IDM CC, và the new version was called IDM Integration.

Note that due khổng lồ global changes in FireFox 53, we had khổng lồ develop a new “IDM Integration Module” plugin for FireFox.

Currently, the oldest plugin is IDM CC, và it supports FireFox from version 1.5 lớn version 26.

The next plugin is “IDM integration”, which supports FireFox browsers from 27 to 52.

The latest addition is the “IDM Integration Module”. It supports FireFox browsers starting with version 53.

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Note that all three versions of applications are included in the IDM distribution, and you will most likely see two or three IDM applications in the FireFox settings in the các mục of applications: old & new.


3.2. If you have installed the old IDM CC plugin manually, you must click the “Delete” button next khổng lồ it:

3.3. If your application is not in FireFox, you can install it manually. Open the FireFox menu & click the “Extras” button, see the actions (1) & (2) in the figure below.

Click the “Tools for all plugins” wheel (3) và select the “Install plugin from file …” (4) menu nhà cửa from the menu.

Then, open the IDM thư mục where you installed the IDM (by default, “C: Program Files (x86) Internet download Manager ”).

You have 3 XPI files here. They have the same name, but a different number at the end. Please look carefully at the following:

Selectidmmzcc3.xpiforFireFox 53and newer versions.Selectidmmzcc2.xpiforFireFoxbrowsers from version27to version52inclusively.Selectidmmzcc.xpi(without a number) forFireFoxversions from1.5to26.

If you have selected the correct version, FireFox will display a dialog confirming the installation. Click “Install”:

If you have selected the wrong XPI tệp tin version, FireFox displays an error message.

How vì I know the version of my FireFox browser?

Open the FireFox help menu

Select the “About FireFox” thực đơn item

Then you can see the version of your FireFox browser.

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